
Embed Vert.x eventbus into your Spring Application with ease.

So, Vert.x 2.0+ now makes it so easy to embed Vert.x into any application. In our case, we wanted to embed Vert.x in a Spring MVC Rest Web Application, so that we can send messages from the Web Application to the eventbus to be picked up by our Vert.x application. All these messages are to be sent from the server side, which is why we did not simply choose to use Vert.x in our client side JavaScript, which is also very easy to do. We actually wanted the sending calls to be done by the back end Services, not even the Controllers of the web app. You know server side services that are re-usable. 😉

Anyway, using Vert.x documentation (Yes, you can learn this from the docs too), I found that it was extremely easy.

Biggest challenge was making sure the correct Vert.x jars are in your classpath of your web application. If you are using Maven, we simply added

<!-- Vert.x jars to be included-->




Those dependencies will pull in other dependencies too. Here is the mvn dependency:tree output for those two dependencies

+- io.vertx:vertx-core:jar:2.0.0-final:compile
[INFO] | +- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:jar:2.2.2:compile
[INFO] | | \- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:jar:2.2.2:compile
[INFO] | +- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:jar:2.2.2:compile
[INFO] | +- com.hazelcast:hazelcast:jar:2.5:provided (version managed from 2.6; scope managed from compile)
[INFO] | \- io.netty:netty-all:jar:4.0.2.Final:compile
[INFO] \- io.vertx:vertx-platform:jar:2.0.0-final:compile

Then for getting the EventBus in our code, we wanted to be able to simply @Autowire into any class that we wanted. So we used an @Configuration class that instantiates Vertx and gets the EventBus from it as an @Bean.

Simple as

public class OurAppConfiguration.class {

private static final String VERTX_HOSTNAME = “vertx.hostname”;

Environment environment;

public EventBus eventBus() {
Vertx vertx = VertxFactory.newVertx(environment.getProperty(VERTX_HOSTNAME));
return vertx.eventBus();

So as you can see we have a file with one property in it. You can, of course, add more properties, like port number and such. But just remember to add that to the call to VertxFactory.newVertx. As we do in the first line of the @Bean method. And just return vertx.eventBus(). Easy as pie.

Remember if you want this EventBus to work with another Vert.x application running somewhere else within your network, to run that one with -cluster, so that clustering works (If you need clustering)

To test this out, we wrote a simple JUnit Test with Spring integrated into it. Here is the code.

// YOU MUST BE RUNNING other Vert.x application with -cluster to run this test.
class TestVertxEventBus {

EventBus eventBus

public void testSendingMessageOnEventBusToOtherVertxApplicationHelloWorld() {
CountDownLatch startSignal = new CountDownLatch(1);
eventBus.send(“test.address”, sendMessage, new Handler<Message>(){
void handle(Message message) {
String response = message.body()
assertEquals(“Well Hello back”, response)

I had to alter some of the code because it was specific to our application, which I am not at liberty to post. But you should be able to make an extremely simple Verticle that listens to the eventBus at “test.address” and responds back. Simple echo, or request-reply works. Vert.x has that in the examples right up front.

So I am not going to post one here. I’ll just say, if you don’t know how to write a real simple Verticle, then don’t try to embed Vert.x in another application just yet. While it is really easy to do, it is still and advanced Vert.x topic

As always, don’t even try to post spam that tries to look like a real response. It is too easy to see and they will never get onto this page.

Converting your Vert.x 1.x module to Vert.x 2.x

In this post, I am going to list the number of things we needed to do in order to upgrade our application/modules to Vert.x 2.0.

It is more a list than prose, because I need to create this post as I go along the ride. Because I am sure I will forget something that I did, if I do this post-mortem (Is that the correct way to use that term, or is it supposed to be something else.

1) Make sure all your modules match the module naming standard. Vert.x 2.0 will not run your module unless it matches. It has code to catch it immediately.
2) You probably want to upgrade your build to Gradle, since the Gradle template starts things off nicely. This can be very difficult if you are currently using Maven and have lots of dependencies. You will need to add all those dependencies to the file. Which is why at this point we haven’t done it yet, I converted my Maven build to a better Maven pom based on Vert.x Maven Archetype. (see paragraph after next)

Another Gradle recommendation is move all the versioning of dependencies into the file.

Option – If you are converting your application that is currently in Maven, and you want to jump to Gradle. First recommendation, don’t. At least not at first, get your application upgraded to Vert.x 2.0, which requires changes to your Maven pom files (Could be lots of different one). Then once you have it working, then look at converting your maven build to Gradle.

For all the build stuff, the approach I took to change our maven pom file was to create a test Vert.x 2.0 project from the new Vert.x maven archetype. Then look at the pom file it creates and basically copy and paste things. Now each project that you have to update, might need different things changed, removed or added. However, really try to get your pom file to match the pom file that that archetype created.

With Vert.x 2.x you will also really want to take advantage of the testtools jar file as it has now become really easy to write Vert.x eventbus integration tests with TestVerticle. I might create a blog post just on that subject later. One that includes writing the integration tests as well as how you can use a TestVerticle to fire off your Vert.x appication within an IDE.

Overall, I would say those are the two main factors to watch out for. 1) naming of your modules and 2) Bigger issue to update your build files. As far as any code changes, there really shouldn’t be any.

How to Correctly post Vert.x questions on Stack Overflow

Got you Tim. 😉

Actually, if you come to this blog post, you should never ever post questions about Vert.x on the Stack Overflow website. You won’t get a good answer because anyone that can best answer your question (mostly Tim) will be on the Google Group at!forum/vertx

Introduction to Spring Security – The Architecture and Design – Part 2

OK, took me a bit longer to get to this post that I wanted. I am also going to make this public before it is 100% complete. So stay tuned I might be updating this with more information as time goes by.

In Part 1 on this Spring Security series I talked about the goals of Spring Security and started covering the design of the Authentication pieces of Spring Security. In Part 2 we will talk about the design of the Authorization pieces of Spring Security. In Part 3 we will talk about setting up Spring Security and the basic configuration that you need to do to secure Web URLs and Method security.

So Authorization is a bit more complex because there are many decisions to be made about the granularity of your security authorization. Meaning are secured resources going to be accessible to members of a GROUP, high coarse grained authorization. Or ROLE based which is a little bit less coarse, but still easy to maintain users to roles, just like groups. Or you could be more fine grained using ACLs, permissions that determine what a user can do. Or even more fine grained down to specific rows of data that a user can see.

And Spring Security needs to be able to provide all those granularities while still having a simple consistent, extensible, flexible approach. Now that is a tough thing to do, but I think that Spring Security did an exceptional job at it.

So, for a high level talk about the components and design of authorization in Spring Security, we are only going to look at one simple solution (Yes, I am taking the easy way out). In our article today, we will take the ROLE based approach to authorization. Where we say a user must be a member of ROLE_USER or ROLE_ADMIN in order to see the Account edit page on a website. Or maybe to call a particular method.

So after we have been authenticated and we want to access some secured resource. Say a URL, or a method we need something to check to see if the current user has some groups, role, or permission that is needed for that resource. Typically it is easy to do Role based decisions here. So we have information of what role you need to access the resource as well as the current users roles (Stored in their UserDetails, which talked about in the last article)

So now we need someone to compare the two. So the incoming Thread call is intercepted and the information is passed to an object calls an AccessDecisionManager. OH BOY! Another Manager. Just what we always needed. Someone who does nothing but delegate. And does it delegate. It delegates to a Collection of objects called AccessDecisionVoter(s). A Voter is nothing more than a method in the AccessDecisionVoter interface that returns an int. Yay (positive number), Nay(negative number) or Abstain(0 is returned). So it the responsibility of a Voter to vote on whether the user should have access to the resource. We should say there are a couple of supports() methods that tell the AccessDecisionManager what types of decisions they support and should be called upon. (Basically, not all voters vote. If a Group is passed in for the check, why should a Role Based voter even vote.)

For something like Role Based security, the Voter is given the resource settings as well as the current Thread’s User and compares the Roles the user has against what is needed for the resource. If they have a match, then great Yay is voted. The Voter returns a positive integer. If they want to vote No, then they return a negative number.

As a matter of fact in basic environments of Spring Security with things like it gives you a RoleVoter. You should check out that class sometime. It is interesting. Like it has a prefix property that by default is set to “ROLE_”. Which means that if your data store of users that is storing what roles users have and they aren’t all starting with “ROLE_” like ROLE_USER or ROLE_ADMIN, then watch out, you might spend three days trying to figure out why you can’t get access to a page that you know your user has the correct role for. If it is stored as USER and you do your Spring Security with access=”USER” IT WILL NOT WORK!. It would have to have access=”ROLE_USER” and what ever when you get your user data from the data store that you append “ROLE_” to the front. OR better yet you change the prefix property (Which if fun to go and find. HINT: the security:jdbc-xxxx has an attribute for prefix)

OK, anyway. You have these voters voting on whether to allow the user through to the resource. Here is where things get fun. You can have a whole collection of Voters, each voting. So we might have a count of how many returned positive YAY numbers and set it such that all of the voters have to say YAY or you don’t get though. Or make it a majority (Not sure what happens if you have an even number of Voters), or just one needs to say YAY to let you through.

Pretty cool. I have found about 8 different voter implementation in Spring Security. But you could also write your own.

Configuring Maven to build your vertx module

How to create a vertx mod from your Maven project.

So you want to package your vertx application into a module and then make it available in some vertx repository to automatically download. How do you do that? If you are using Gradle for your build, check out all the mods that vertx has already created to examples, then copy and paste and change to your project.

But there aren’t any out there with maven as a build. Well, Brian Lalor does have a maven build for his amqp module, and that is exactly where I stole this information from. Now in his project, as of today, it creates a tar.gz file, I want to create a zip, that I can then copy to my mod repository and rename to

So what are we going to do? Well, for our project I decided to use the maven assembly plugin, maven-assembly-plugin. And create an xml file that declared that I wanted a zip file, what jar dependencies to copy over into a lib directory and where my mod.json file was located, as well as any other scripts or code that wasn’t already being packaged into a jar file by the build. Then in the maven-assembly-plugin, point it to the xml file with that configuration.

First lets look at the maven assembly plugin entry in our pom file.




This declares the plugin, in the configuration section points to where I will have my xml file, and finally the execution, so that when I run package or beyond that the assembly is done.

So that just leaves us with this mod.xml file thingy. let’s take a look at it. (I create a property in the pom.xml file called


This way can use the property to tell the mod.xml locations to place my vertx module code and stuff.

Now the mod.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<assembly xmlns=""




            <!-- empty outputDirectory puts mod.json at the root of the structure -->


WHOA!!!! That’s a lot. But most is boilerplate.

First the id will be appended to the name of the zip file it creates. Now it creates a zip file because of the formats/format section. That is simple.

Now in vertx mods are put into a subdirectory called mods. So in the baseDirectory tag we tell it to put all our files down one level in the zip file, so that the root level in the zip is “mods”

The dependencySets section is just telling where the jar files should be copied to. In this case the module’s directory, but in a lib subdirectory of it. Basically mods/{module-directory}/lib

And the last part is the fun part. This is where we tell the assembly which of our files we want in the module directory, or if we are using other modules where to find those modules and copy those directly into the mods directory. This is the fileSets section

So in my mod.xml I am using Brian’s amqp module (the same one I stole from) and I downloaded it locally and put it in my src/main/resources directory. I am actually also using the MongoDBPersistor module, but I am going to get that from the vertx central repository when I actually run my module. So the fileSet for that has an empty outputDirectory, which means it will be copied into the baseDirectory setting which is set to mods directory.

The second fileSet is for my mod.json, which is required for a vertx module and tells vertx the main script/class and maybe some other configuration.

And finally the last fileSet is my actual verticle code. I am using Groovy scripts, so I created a scripts directory off the root of my project’s directory and placed my Groovy scripts there, in my case there are actually 5 Groovy script files; 1 verticle, 2 worker verticle, 1 main app script to deployVerticle, deployMod etc, and one Groovy config file. The last is not necessary, but will also be part of another blog post for vertx using environment configurations. But I haven’t gotten that to work yet. ANYWAY, since I have a few files in this scripts directory I just use the ant style “**” wildcards to say take everything in that scripts directory and also copy those to my module’s directory. So in the mods/{module-directory/ directory.

Now when I do mvn package, I look in the target directory when it is done and I see a zip file with my module name on it with “” at the end.

So what I usually do next is unzip that file directly in the target directory so I can run my module directly from the target directory and test away.

Due to complete ass wipe spammers, I have to turn off comments and trackbacks.

Vertx with Groovy config files and environments

(CAVEAT. I don’t think I ever tested this, so there might be one or two tweaks that need to be done)

So vertx has ways to write configs for your verticles.  They are in code, in a .json file with -conf on the command line, in a .js file with load() in js. But nothing built in with Groovy.

You can put them in your code and load them programatically. However, with that route, your config is in your code and changes to the config would require changing code. So then you would want to externalize your config. And vertx allows you to tell it what config file to load with the -conf command line argument.

If you use this approach, then where do you put your config files. In this case, they would have to be in the directory that you are running your verticle. This is fine if you are in the same directory as the verticles, which means a simple verticle not in a module. So now you want to package your verticle(s) into a module. This now means that your config files are in the directory that you are running from but not with the verticle in the module itself. This is also fine and what you typically do when you are using a module say from the vertx mods repository.

So lets now say you want to create configs for different environments and store that config in a .groovy file and in the same directory as your module. And you also have more than one verticle in your module. How do you go about that? This is what this blog post is about. How to do just that. This will still require a .json config file in the directory you run from, but that .json can be as simple as stating what environment you want to run with. So very simple

config.json contains

{ "env" :"prod"}

{"env" :"dev"}

So when you want to change your environment you are using you just have to change that one simple property in the config.json file.

Now lets look at how we are going to write our actual config for our verticles using a Groovy script.

I have a Config.groovy file that looks like this

environments {
    dev {
        myVerticleOneConfig: {
            numberOfInstances: 10
        myVerticleTwoConfig: {
            numberOfInstances: 10
        dataIntegrationWorkerConfig: {
            uri: "amqp://localhost:5672"
            defaultContentType: "application/json"
            numberOfInstances: 10
        mongoDBPersisterWorkerConfig: {
            host: "localhost"
            port: 27017
            db_name: "addressBook"
            numberOfInstances: 10
    test {
        myVerticleOneConfig: {
            numberOfInstances: 50
        myVerticleTwoConfig: {
            numberOfInstances: 50
        dataIntegrationWorkerConfig: {
            uri: "amqp://"
            defaultContentType: "application/json"
            numberOfInstances: 50
        mongoDBPersisterWorkerConfig: {
            host: ""
            port: 27017
            db_name: "addressBook"
            numberOfInstances: 20
    prod {
        myVerticleOneConfig: {
            numberOfInstances: 100
        myVerticleTwoConfig: {
            numberOfInstances: 100
        dataIntegrationWorkerConfig: {
            uri: "amqp:/"
            defaultContentType: "application/json"
            numberOfInstances: 100
        mongoDBPersisterWorkerConfig: {
            host: ""
            port: 27017
            db_name: "addressBook"
            numberOfInstances: 30

Now I want to use these configs in my vertx module/application. One you have more than one verticle to deploy in your app with other mods and verticles and worker verticles, I highly recommend creating a vertx module for your app and to create a main app that deploys your verticles. like

MyApp.groovy file

// Config variable definition will be going here

container.deployVerticle("VerticleOne.groovy", config.verticleOne.numberOfInstances)
container.deployWorkerVerticle("VerticleTwoWorker.groovy", config.verticleTwo.numberOfInstances)


So in this we deploy our verticles and worker verticles and repo mods passing in configuration and number of instances using our external configuration which we will assign to a variable called config.

So the next part is to define that variable “config”. With Groovy’s ConfigSlurper we can load in the Config.groovy file with the following line of code

def config = new ConfigSlurper(container.config.env).parse(new File('Config.groovy').toURL())

That line goes to the top of the MyApp.groovy file.

Notice the constructor of ConfigSluper I am passing in container.config.env . This will come from reading in the config.json file being passed to -conf at the command line. If the env property in config.json is equal to “dev” then the dev section in the Config.groovy will fill all the values under the “config” variable and you are all set.

Now when I run my module it will be with the following command line

vertx runmod com.pwp.mymodule-v1.0.0 -conf config.json

Current gotchas with Spring Data Neo4j. Update 1.0

For the past 6 months I have been working on a personal project of mine to learn some of the amazing things that the SpringSource guys are doing with the project Spring Data. If you haven’t checked it our, or using it for your data access code, well, I have some choice words and they aren’t pretty. It is a no brainer, especially if you already are using the Spring Framework. And if you aren’t using the Spring Framework for any reasons, then Spring Data would be the biggest reason to use Spring. But you should be using Spring anyway.

OK, to the point of this blog post.

First to post some cool tricks you can do, or things that aren’t exactly tricks but hard to figure out how to do just from the standard doumentation.

And in using Spring Data Neo4J, I found some gotchas, not really bad, but things that you might not infer from the great documentation. These are very subtle and unless you have experienced them, it is easy to fall prey to these simple mistakes. So I create this blog post to list those gotchas, and to try to keep this up to date.

As of version 1.0 of this blog post, I am using Spring Data Neo4J 2.1.0.RC1. But check here for the list of versions used with which version of this post


Post Version SDN Version
1.0 SDN 2.1.0.RC1




    • You can only have one unique index per node/relationship
    • You cannot combine unique=true with IndexType.FULLTEXT

Queries with @Query

    • If you are using derived queries or creating queries with @Query on your repository interface method, then use the nodeId as the parameter to the method and the placement in the Cypher Query, rather than passing in your domain object as the parameter to the method.For example, use
      @Query("start user=node({0}) " +
      "match (user)&lt;-[:FRIEND]-&gt;(friends) " +
      "return friends " +
       "order by friends.lastName asc")
       public Page&lt;User&gt; findFriends(Long userId, Pageable page);

      instead of
      @Query("start user=node({0}) " +
      "match (user)&lt;-[:FRIEND]-&gt;(friends) " +
      "return friends " +
      "order by friends.lastName asc")
      public Page&lt;User&gt; findFriends(User user, Pageable page);

Coding Domain objects

  • Make your domain objects implement Serializable
  • In the docs it has you write your equals/hashcode methods use the nodeId. I am following htat, but it causes an issue of relationships where you have a parent child relationship between two domain objects and the parent has a Set of child domain objects, and since the child domain objects uses the nodeId in equals/hascode, it causes problems with HashSet. If the domain object is new, there is no nodeId set. Also I have found in a couple cases that set.contains(a) can return true and then set.remove(a) returns false, even though object “a” is the same object.

Well that is a start.


Introduction to Spring Security – The Architecture and Design – Part 1

Introduction to Spring Security – The Architecture and Design – Part 1

In this multi part article I am going to explain the key components/classes/interfaces that make up Spring Security architecture and design. By understanding these components, we will be able to show in future articles how to customize Spring Security with simply implementing an interface and configuring it as a Spring bean.

The main thing to understand about Spring Security is that it is broken down to many little parts or interfaces for each piece of the security solution, many have increased their security systems by using the borderlands 3 split screen to have a larger vision range. Each part is responsible for just a small portion of the big security picture. So instead of having just a couple of classes to handle everything, which would be less flexible, less customizable, low cohesion and tightly coupled, we have an architecture that is based on many interfaces, such that we can swap out implementations with either built in components or our own custom implementations, at will, without affecting other parts of your security solution and your application.

But this means that you need to know all of these interfaces/classes and what role/responsibility each one has. You also must know how much of a security solution you need. Do you want coarse or fine grained authorization, from group-based to role-based or down to fine grained access control lists based on application data? Do you just need authentication but not authorization?

You might also ask, where do you store your user information for authentication and authorization? is it in a database, LDAP, Active Directory? Do you need encryption? What type of encryption? What are you securing? Is it just a URL for a web page, or is it parts of a web page? Is it JMS Messaging or SOAP Web Services that need to be secured? How about all your code should your methods being secured too? These are many of the factors that will determine what parts of Spring Security you need to use.

Great now that I have completely confused you, let me confuse you some more! This is why I need at least a two part article to cover many of these components. This first part will be on Authentication and the second part will be on Authorization.

First we will talk about a user. This is a username and password as well as some type of authorization information. In Spring Security we have an interface called a UserDetails to store that information. A UserDetails implementation will store a String for the username as well as a String for the password, and it will have a collection of objects called GrantedAuthority. A GrantedAuthority object is just a holder class to hold a String for each role that the UserDetails/user has. So if I have a user Bob who has ROLE_ADMIN and ROLE_USER assigned to them in a database, then Bob’s UserDetails instance will have two GrantedAuthority instances in its collection. There are a couple of other boolean properties that also need to be set with the UserDetails interface, one of these for instance is used to say whether the user is still active or enabled.

Now that we have an object to hold all the user information, UserDetails. How do we one created? How do we have someone log in and have Spring look up the user information, check that the enter their correct credentials and then have a UserDetails object instantiated and holding that user’s information? That is the role of authentication. And in Spring the main class responsible for controlling authorization is an interface called AuthenticationManager. It is a manager, so like all manager’s we know, it just delegates to others to do the actual work.

So what do we have to do here? There are really just two parts. 1) look up the user information and populate the UserDetails object with that information and 2) Check that the password matches. (there are other authenication mechanisms like certificates which are exactly user/password checking, but for simplicity right now we will ignore those scenarios)

If anything fails in these two steps, Spring Security will throw exceptions. If it is successful, then Spring Security will take the UserDetails object and store it somewhere so that we don’t have keep looking up that information again and again while the user is logged in.

Who does the AuthenticationManager delegate to? It will delegate to a collection of AuthenticationProvider instances. An AuthenticationProvider is an interface that maps to a data store which stores your user data. Based on the type of data store a query of some type must be used to get the data for the user.

For that part, an AuthenticationProvider will call an object that implements the UserDetailsService interface. A UserDetailsService looks up the user data and returns a UserDetails object fully populated. If the UserDetailsService cannot find this user then a UsernameNotFoundException is thrown. Why username not found? Because the UserDetailsService interface has just one method loadUserByUsername(String username). So when we go to our data store and query it, the only information we have is the String username to run our queries with.

Once the UserDetailsService returns a UserDetails object, then the AuthenticationProvider will check that the password matches the password the user entered. If it does not match, then the AuthenticationProvider will throw an AuthenticationException, or a subclass of it like BadCredentialsException. Thrown because the password or credentials that the user entered in the login screen were incorrect.

So the process goes something like this. A user enters their username and password into a login screen and clicks a login button. The entered information is placed into an object called Authentiation which is passed to the AuthenticationManager’s authenticate method. this method will loop through all AuthenticationProviders that are configured and calls their authenticate method, passing in the Authentication object. Each AuthenticationProvider will calls its configured UserDetailsService’s loadUserByUserName method.

In most applications, the configuration to set all this up is pretty easy. As a matter of fact, you can pretty much get all of it with just one tag from the security xml namespace. However, what will always be different with all your applications. That will be where and how you store your user data. Spring will not be able to predict that, so the configuration that you must do is to tell Spring Security what UserDetailsService do you want to use and assign it to an AuthenticationProvider.

In the next article (soon I promise), we are going to look at all the Authentication interfaces and configuration in detail.

Perfect World Programming Articles

In all of these articles, I will take a standard approach. There will be written articles, sample code, links to JavaDocs, as well as videos. The whole article consists of all these materials. I will rarely just write text or just a video, because I think we need to see things explained to us through many different types of media to fully understand.

This means that if you just read the article, or just watch the video you will miss out on a lot of material. Sometimes, it won’t make sense without looking at everything. I might not even talk about a real important subject in the article, but it is in the video, or just in the code. So please, take the time and look at everything and I think you will learn a lot from it.

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope your find it useful.


p.s. I moderate all the comments, so if you are going to post spam, you are just wasting time, yours and mine. They will never appear on the site, and I will never reply to any.